Thursday, December 24, 2009

Much ado about stamping

So i decided to take on the task of making personalized stamps for all of my 15 coworkers this christmas. It was definitely a bit more than I bargained for and I'm not actually sure of what they will actually be used for HOWEVER I did eventually get them done for the most part (except for suzi's which I will finish tonight) and in time for christmas and everything! Go me! People seemed pretty happy with them although my coworkers are all amazing and would seem thankful for whatever you gave them, with the exception of perhaps a kick to the head or a disease. They're odd like that.

Anyway I tell you all this because I hadn't posted to the blog for awhile and thought this the perfect opportunity to update.

In a perfect world in which I wasn't a procrastinator and had actually looked around to get the proper size stamper block (I wanted it to be bigger then the actual stamp itself) before it was down to the last minute then my project might have gone a bit smoother. Because this isn't a perfect world I had to pretty much do with what i could scrape together at micheals and hope for the best!

The hardest part of this project was thinking of what to do for each coworker. After that i carved each indiviual design onto the individual lino stamps which i then glued red felt to. In the meantime I covered small wooden blocks with identical red felt and attached them to the stamps. Bada-boom Bada-bing finito. It actually took me a really long time. Don't let the crappy quality of the stamps deceive you ;)

Here in no particular order is a few of the stamps that I ended up with.

So that is a small example for you! I love block printing. I really need to do more of it, just need to find the time. In other news (which is really news as old as time itself) shock of all shocks this years new years resolution is again to lose weight -_-. However this time i actually joined a gym! Watch out pants. You have slumbered in my dresser for too long! Hopefully one of these posts i will have news about excellent weight loss success! I guess we'll just have to see :D